
Our massages treat each body in an individualised manner; allow your body and ailments to select the best massage technique for you. We work on your muscles to provide balance and wellness

Arrels Massage
Unique and exclusive signature ritual of medium pressure,where the essence of pine, the freshness of the foam of the sea, and the heat of the sand, makes your body enter into synergy with the environment.
Duration 45min | Price per person 90€

Volcanic stone massage
Hot stone massage to eliminate tension in the muscles in a gentle and painless manner. Suitable for people who suffer from stress.
Duration 45min | Price per person 90€

Relaxing massage
Relaxing massage that balances body and mind, suitable for people looking for a moment of wellness.
Duration 45min | Price per person 90€

Aromatic massage
Aromatic massage that allows you, depending on the aroma selected, to enjoy a massage that suits your personal needs. Let your dream come true.
Duration 45min | Price per person 90€

Muscle massage
Muscle massage with strong to medium pressure, which allows us to work on contractures and relieve discomfort, while providing a moment of wellness.
Duration 45min | Price per person 90€

Mixed massage
Medium pressure massage, which works the muscles, but at the same time relaxes the body and mind.
Duration 45min | Price per person 90€

Other treatments

Book now

23 Oct
24 Oct
Or call us at +34 972 828 429 or write to us at

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